Notes / 18 February 2019
Now that you've finished your creative project, today's class is a chance to see what your peers have been working on. Here are some instructions for how to proceed.
Canvas will call this activity "Peer Review," but this really isn't a review or critique as you might do in a creative writing class. There are really two angles on creative digital work: the technical craft of how it actually works and the aesthetic art of writing/drawing/designing whatever modalities of communication it involves. So instead of a "review," think of today's activity more as a "play test" to make sure that these two aspects of your work are actually achieving what you intended them to.
Canvas has assigned (or will shortly) two peers work to review. This person may or not be in your section, but start by finding out if they are. Introduce yourself if you need to, and find out if there's anything special you need to download or be prepared with before accessing their work.
Then, spend 5 - 10 minutes reading/engaging/playing/viewing your peers work, attempting to explore it as thoroughly as possible.
Finally, write up a summary of your experience with their work, and submit that through the Peer Review screen in Canvas. Your summary should be descriptive, not evaluative. If you see a typo, you can let them know, but otherwise, you should be simply describing what you did when accessing their work and what you thought about or noticed as you played it. If you have choices to make, for example, list which you chose first and why.
Once you've completed this, find the author again to thank them for letting you see their work and to ask them any questions that occurred to you while playing.
Canvas will assign you two reviews, so try and complete both during class today. If you run out of time, then complete them for Wednesday's homework.